演算 $x/y : (G \times G) \ni (x,y) \mapsto xy^{-1} \in G$ が下記の公理を満たすならば、
- $a/a = b/b$
- $a/(b/b) = a$
- $(a/a)/(b/c) = c/b$
- $(a/c)/(b/c) = a/b$
(** Group defined by one operation *) (* Operator 'x/y' means xy^{-1}. Probe that '/' and four axioms obout it defines a group. *) Section Group2. Parameter G:Set. (* G is not an empty set. At least one element exists. *) Parameter g0:G. Parameter op:G->G->G. Notation "a / b" := (op a b). (* Axioms for / *) Parameter G1: forall a b, a/a = b/b. Parameter G2: forall a b, a/(b/b) = a. Parameter G3: forall a b c, (a/a)/(b/c) = c/b. Parameter G4: forall a b c, (a/c)/(b/c) = a/b. Definition e:G := g0/g0. Notation "1" := e. Definition mult(a b:G) := (a/(1/b)). Notation "a * b" := (mult a b). Lemma op_refl_1 : forall a, a/a = 1. Proof. intro a. unfold "1". eapply G1. Qed. Lemma op_1 : forall a, a/1 = a. Proof. intro. unfold "1". rewrite G2. auto. Qed. Theorem left_id : forall a, 1*a = a. Proof. intro. unfold "1". unfold "*". erewrite G3. eapply op_1. Qed. Theorem right_id : forall a, a*1 = a. Proof. intro. unfold "*". erewrite op_1. erewrite op_1. auto. Qed. Definition inv(a:G) := (1/a). Notation "! a" := (inv a) (at level 91). Theorem left_inv : forall a, (!a)*a=1. Proof. intros. unfold "!". unfold "*". rewrite G4. erewrite op_1. auto. Qed. Lemma inv_inv : forall a, 1/(1/a) = a. Proof. intros. replace (1/(1/a)) with (1/1/(1/a)). rewrite G3. eapply op_1. erewrite op_1. auto. Qed. Theorem right_inv : forall a, a*(!a)=1. Proof. intros. unfold "!". unfold "*". erewrite inv_inv. eapply op_refl_1. Qed. Lemma inv_op : forall a b, inv (a/b) = b/a. Proof. intros. unfold "!". unfold "1". erewrite G3. auto. Qed. Lemma inv_idem : forall a, inv (inv a) = a. Proof. intros. unfold "!". eapply inv_inv. Qed. Lemma op_eq : forall a b c d, a/b = c/d -> b/a = d/c. Proof. intros. replace (b/a) with (1/1/(a/b)). replace (d/c) with (1/1/(c/d)). rewrite H. auto. erewrite G3. auto. erewrite G3. auto. Qed. Lemma op_mult : forall a b, (a/b)*b = a. Proof. intros. unfold "*". erewrite G4. eapply op_1. Qed. Lemma rm_op_2 : forall a b c, a/c=b/c -> a=b. Proof. intros. assert(a/c*c = b/c*c). rewrite H. auto. erewrite op_mult in H0. erewrite op_mult in H0. auto. Qed. Lemma rm_op_1 : forall a b c, a/b=a/c -> b=c. Proof. intros. specialize(op_eq a b a c H). intro. eapply (rm_op_2 b c a H0). Qed. Lemma mult_op : forall a b, (a*b)/b = a. Proof. intros. unfold "*". replace (a/(1/b)/b) with (a/(1/b)/(1/(1/b))). rewrite G4. rewrite op_1. auto. replace (1/(1/b)) with b. auto. erewrite inv_inv. auto. Qed. Lemma assoc_2 : forall a b c, a/(b/c) = a*c/b. intros. replace (a/(b/c)) with ((a*c)/c/(b/c)). rewrite G4. auto. rewrite mult_op. auto. Qed. Lemma assoc_3 : forall a b c, a*(c/b) = a*c/b. intros. replace (a*(c/b)) with (a/(inv (c/b))). unfold "!". replace (1/(c/b)) with (b/c). rewrite assoc_2. auto. replace (1/(c/b)) with (1/1/(c/b)). rewrite G3. auto. rewrite op_1. auto. unfold inv. unfold "*". auto. Qed. Lemma assoc_4 : forall a b c, a*(c*(inv b)) = a*c*(inv b). intros. unfold inv. replace (c*(1/b)) with (c/b). replace (a*c*(1/b)) with (a*c/b). eapply assoc_3. unfold "*". rewrite inv_inv. auto. unfold "*". rewrite inv_inv. auto. Qed. Theorem assoc : forall a b c, a*(b*c) = a*b*c. intros. replace c with (inv (inv c)). eapply assoc_4. eapply inv_idem. Qed. End Group2.
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